Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 11: Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

The world’s population is constantly increasing. To accommodate everyone, we need to build modern, sustainable cities. For all of us to survive and prosper, we need new, intelligent urban planning that creates safe, affordable and resilient cities with green and culturally inspiring living conditions.

Stainless steel’s contribution

Stainless steel makes our urban environments safer, more beautiful and sustainable. Present in almost all aspect of modern urban living, in everything from water supply to transport solutions and architecture, stainless steel is not only beautiful but cost effective and resilient. Stainless steel’s recyclability, coupled with its low maintenance requirements, means it is a cost-effective option with far lower environmental impact than other materials. Its strength, corrosion resistance and durability enable long-lasting infrastructure, renewable power generation, safe critical services and imaginative architectural solutions to lie at the heart of our increasingly sustainable cities and communities.