Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Energy is crucial for achieving almost all of the Sustainable Development Goals, from its role in the eradication of poverty through to advancements in health, education, water supply and industrialisation, to combating climate change. 

In 2019, 66% [source UN website] of the global population had access to clean cooking fuels and technologies. Global access to electricity also increased from 83% in 2010 to 90% in 2019. The world is making good progress on increasing access to electricity and improving energy efficiency. However, millions of people around the world still lack such access, and progress on creating access to clean cooking fuels and technologies is too slow.  The pandemic for instance has highlighted the need for reliable and affordable electricity in health centers. 

Stainless steel’s contribution 

Stainless steel plays a vital role in the production and storage of low-carbon energy from solar panels and wind turbines to hydro-, biomass, and nuclear and hydrogen power generation. Stainless steel’s superior corrosion resistance, strength, low maintenance and long service life makes it essential for the generation of affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.